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Thanks for all of your work in hosting this little cyber-gathering!



Got my first pair done! Check out the blog for pics. :)


I have a completed pair too! Pics on my blog.


Hi Anmiryan! I finally cast on for my fuzzy feet today and (as promised) I already have a question. These are my first ever socks. I've knitted the first three inches and now I am ready to do the heal. It says this is done on 22 stitches and then it reads "Knit 11 sts past the marker". So does that mean 11 stitches past the marker that marks the beginning of the round? Or do I need the first 22 stitches of the round for use as the heel? I am sure this is so easy and basic and I don't know why I am not getting it but some guidance from any of the knit-a-long crowd would be great appreciated! I am ready to move on but I don't want to screw it up. Thanks! Kristy


Okay, you knit the 11 stitches past the marker, then turn, then Slip 1, purl 21 (the 11 you already knit, plus 11 more). That's 22 stitches, and that is what you work the heel flap on.

Hope this helps,



Thanks MBT, Beth & Anmiryam! All of your guidance helps. I was just trying to decide whether or not to put my knitting away for the night. Now, I am going to go knit a heel! Thanks so much!!!


Anmiryam, this is awesome!!

And MBT, thank you -- I was reading the pattern and it made no sense to me re: the 22 stitches, and your explanation cleared it up perfectly.

I am only on the cuff of foot #1 ...mmmm.. I am maybe a slow knitter. Ah well.


I finished one fuzzy foot. And being totally anal I Kitchenered the toe. god only knows why. I also added a cuff. The Fuzzy Feet are for my daughter and she wanted more stay on the foot security. I pointed out she could wear socks with them. And she rightly pointed out that winters in coastal Virginia hardly ever dropped to double wrapping your feet. She is young and hot. Just wait missy, cold feet are in your future. signed your mum.
I will post pictures as soon and the camera charges.
You could do wild cuffs. Something glitzy and sparkly. The cuffs are knitted separately and sewn on AFTER the felting


I posted a picture on my blog.

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